Frequently Asked Questions
What is a same day delivery service?
Our service provides you with a completely dedicated vehicle to collect your goods at the required time and deliver them directly to your required destination on the same day. For more information, please contact us.
What vehicles do you use?
We can supply vehicles ranging from small vans right up to 4.2m Extra-Long Wheel based Vans, or Luton Van. For more details check out Our Fleet.
What is the heaviest load item you can deliver?
We can move loads up to 1,200kg in weight. More information about vehicles and their carrying capacity can be found on our Vehicles page.
Do you operate at weekends and out of normal working hours?
Yes, our service is available out of normal working hours and we have a dedicated team who provide round-the-clock service where required.
What packaging is required for my goods?
The advantage of using our service is that little packaging is required. As each job is allocated its own vehicle there is a reduced risk of damages meaning that you can save money on excess packaging.
Do you offer a credit account facility?
Yes, we offer credit accounts to a number of clients who send shipments on a regular basis.
How does your online delivery quote work?
You can use our online quote form to get a quick, no-obligation quotation. All you will need is a collection postcode, delivery postcode, a short goods description and email address/phone number. You will then be contacted with the best quote we can offer.
Often used courier abbreviations:
POB – Package on board POD – Proof of Delivery ETA – Estimated time of arrival SV – Small Van SWB – Short Wheel Base LWB – Long Wheel Base XLWB – Extra Long Wheel Base FTL – Full Trailer Load
How much does same day delivery cost?
Prices start from just £45 for local delivery and increase depending on distance and vehicle size. Each job is individually priced, contact us for a free, no-obligation price or use our online quote form. For an accurate quotation please provide us with accurate postcode of collection and drop off, size and weight of load.
What can you transport?
We have the capacity to transport anything from a small parcel or envelope up to lage sized goods. For more details, refer to Our Fleet details.
Can you move fragile goods?
Yes, our service is ideal for fragile and high value goods as each vehicle you book is dedicated only to you.
How quickly can you deliver my goods?
Once loaded our drivers head straight to your delivery address and complete the delivery.
How do I place an order?
You can place an order by directly contacting us on the phone number, email or quotation form provided. Pss for the ones that prefer texting, you can also reach us on Whatsapp.
Can the driver contact me when they are close to delivery or collection?
Yes, we ensure that both collection and delivery contacts are provided when booking which enables our drivers to make contact with either when they are nearby and if requested.
How do I get in contact with EM Couriers Ltd?
You can contact directly our head of operations on 07395284797, or use any of the forms provided on the website.
Which geographical areas do you cover?
We are based in the North Yorkshire and we collect and deliver throughout the whole Great Britain.
What is the largest size you can deliver?
We can provide vehicles from small vans up to 4.2m Extra-Long Wheel Vans. More information can be found on Our Fleet page.
Will my delivery be signed for?
Yes, all jobs are completed with a signed proof of delivery.
How do you manage to cover the entire UK?
In addition to our own branch, we work with a number of delivery partners throughout the UK to enable us to provide our services throughout all areas of Great Britain.
How can I pay for an order?
We accept payments via card, contactless, online link or bank transfer. Invoices are provided for all payments.
What insurance is included?
Your goods in transit are insured up to the value of £50,000 per consignment. Additional insurance cover is available on request.
Do you provide other delivery services?
We offer a variety of services for transporting your goods. If unsure, you can directly contact us with your special requests.